We created this digital series to lift up the stories of mental health advocates just like you. We know that sharing our lived experiences can save lives. Don’t face it alone. Watch UNSILENT on YouTube @NoStigmas, and stream wherever you listen to podcasts.
Every week, we share REAL talk with REAL people -- spanning a wide range of topics, all focused on shattering the silence around these conversations as we all champion mental health advocacy together. You can also stream the Podcast conversation on all major streaming platforms. AND…you can watch, listen to, and read our guests’ full stories right here at NoStigmas.org/Unsilent. scroll down to click on the blog entries below.
We know there are some things you just can't learn in books or magic-8-ball-google-searches. We also know that storytelling has tremendous power, so we are here to shine a light on the voices of these Allies and share their stories with you.
We are survivors, thrivers, advocates, and Allies. You are heard. You are seen. You are loved. Don't face it alone, #BeUnsilent.
And be sure to like, comment, share, subscribe, message, email -- however you’d like to connect with us. We are here to advocate together and want to keep the conversations thriving.
In today's final part of our three-part conversation, Rafiah opens up about preparing for life after loss, the amazing work of her charity in honor of her son Jamal's life, and some final thoughts about mental health advocacy, especially within the BIPOC Community.
In today's second part of our two-part conversation with Brittany, she starts to open up about her turning point, how she started to really find herself in her writing, and how she has learned to live with her disorders. Brittany shares what it's like to be living in recovery with her disorders, but also what it's like to have advocacy show up in her life and what she feels has been helpful to her, and sometimes more importantly, what she feels has not been helpful.
In today's second part of our two-part conversation with Jason, he really opens up about what it was like to have an intervention from his family to help him truly seek treatment. He also opens up about some of the tools and skills that he uses to truly live with his Schizophrenia and to pursue his happiest and best life.
In today's episode of UNSILENT "Honoring Her Son's Life After Suicide: Part 2" we get to know more about Rafiah, the mother of son Jamal who at 19 years old tragically lost his life to suicide in May of 2020. Since the loss of Jamal, Rafiah has gone on to be an outspoken and passionate advocate for breaking mental health stigmas, especially in the BIPOC community. She chooses every day to honor the life and spirit of her son, Jamal, as she puts her advocacy in action with her own charity, Soul Survivors of Chicago [instagram.com/soulsurvivorschi]. In today's second part of our three-part conversation with Rafiah, she opens up about what she feels are the mental health stigmas within the BIPOC community, the need for post-intervention, barriers to seeking treatment, and the impact of the collective trauma and loss within the black community. Be sure to check out part one of our conversation with Rafiah here: youtu.be/cdyk2YOpP5s. We start by getting to know more about her and her family's story, the loss of her son, and celebrate Jamal with love.
In today's episode of UNSILENT, we get to know Brittany, a writer and advocate living with mental health challenges including Borderline Personality Disorder and OCD . In this first part of our two-part conversation with Brittany, she opens up about living with these disorders and the impact they've had on her personal life. She also shares some of the specific challenges and experiences she's had with these disorders, and notably, when she, in 2019, decided to voluntarily admit herself to seek treatment and recovery, and since then, has gone on to be a fierce mental health advocate. She also leaves us with some thoughts on ways that we can best advocate for the youth in our lives. We know these conversations are sometimes difficult to have, and we thank Brittany so much for putting her advocacy in action and opening up and sharing her life experiences with us.
In today's episode, we get to know Jason, a veteran and mental health advocate living with Schizophrenia. 📺 Watch at youtu.be/uNHX6kFDP0g and 🎧 stream wherever you listen to podcasts. 🍎🎙bitly.ws/v7nW. In this first part of our two-part conversation with Jason, he opens up about his time in the military, the hazing he experienced because of his mental illness, and the tumultuous but life-saving road to seeking help. Thank you Jason for your honesty and for sharing your advocacy with us.
In this episode of UNSILENT "Honoring Her Son's Life After Suicide: Part 1" we get to know Rafiah, the mother of son Jamal who at 19 years old tragically lost his life to suicide in May of 2020. Since the loss of Jamal, Rafiah has gone on to be an outspoken and passionate advocate for breaking mental health stigmas, especially in the BIPOC community. She chooses every day to honor the life and spirit of her son, Jamal, as she puts her advocacy in action with her own charity, Soul Survivors of Chicago. In today's first part of our 3-part conversation with Rafiah, we start by getting to know more about her and her family's story, the loss of her son, and celebrate Jamal with love.
In this episode - "Surviving Triple Suicide Loss: Part 3" with Danielle, the final part of this 3-part S.P.E.A.K., we get to know more about Danielle, a survivor of three suicides in her family. She shares about being trauma-aware advocates, the power of "storying," and the importance of each and every person's story. We thank Danielle for her honestly, her heart, and her conviction to mental health advocacy.
UNSILENT Season 2, Ep 2 - "Surviving TripleSuicide Loss: Part 2" with Danielle. In Part 2 of this 3-part SPEAK, we get to know more about Danielle, a survivor of three suicides in her family. She shares about her coping strategies, how we can be youth mental health advocates, and the importance of seeking out networks of peer support. We thank Danielle for her honestly, her heart, and her conviction to mental health advocacy. Catch up on Part 1 of her story here ➡️ youtu.be/X0w5BC60w6U.
UNSILENT Season 2, Ep 1 - "Surviving Triple Suicide Loss: Part 1" with Danielle. In Part 1 of this 3-part SPEAK, we get to know Danielle and her lived experience of being a survivor of three suicide losses in her family. She talks impact of these losses, her own mental health journey, and tackles the often-asked questions to survivors of "What should we say? What can we do? What could you have done?" We thank Danielle for her honestly, her heart, and her conviction to mental health advocacy.
EP. 12 (PART 2) - “Group Therapy: Releasing Shame" with NY Times Bestselling Author of "Group", Christie Tate. "Christie O. Tate is a Chicago-based writer and essayist. Her work has been published in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, Pithead Chapel, McSweeney’s, Motherwell, Entropy Magazine, A Perfect Wedding, Together.com, Brain, Child and others. Her debut memoir, Group, published in October 2020 was a Reese’s Book Club Pick and New York Times bestseller." (ChristieTate.com). Lance talks with Christie about her years growing up battling disordered eating, overcoming shame, and living in recovery. She opens up about her experiences with group therapy, and how to this day, she continues to maintain her mental health and strength grounded in this practice.
We talk with Erika, a passionate UK-based mental health advocate, about the need for breaking the stigmas surrounding the mental health of those she prefers to see as "differently-abled."