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Mental illness can be confusing for you and your loved ones. Find answers to common question about mental health, treatment tools, and general information on mental wellness.
(ex. depression, therapy, caregivers)
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I get lost in my thoughts, lost in the beauty, focused on footing.
Even when we’re finding our own path, seeing that others have carved their own, unique path can be the role model we seek.
Disciplined attention to what I need to do to be safe and feel good makes a difference, whether hiking or in life.
Put the wrong things in your body at the wrong time, or fail to understand what your body requires to function, and it becomes nearly impossible to succeed.
Hearing my name being yelled by someone who earlier that day had barely been able to move reminded me that some days we just have to keep moving forward, hoping to stretch out and build strength as the day goes on.
Sometimes we need to just accomplish one simple goal on day one. On day two, we aim for two simple goals or one harder goal. Then we build from there.
As you face your next challenges, are you exhausting your energy on a “never” when plenty of “not yet” and “now” opportunities deserve more attention?
Because I must move at my pace doesn’t mean I don’t ask questions.
On the worst days, the best way for me to find the energy to get up and go is to walk side-by-side with someone who takes the time to care.
The disappointment of thinking I’d made it, only to find out that there more struggle to endure, could be debilitating.
Having a clear goal, something imaginable and at least potentially achievable, enabled me to put in work my body and mind were telling me I was too tired to accomplish.
It was frustrating when my career seemed to plateau at various points, particularly when I didn’t recognize how beautiful the view was from where I stood.
The birth of a child is one of life’s most profound changes. And while it’s often met with joy and celebration, it’s also a time when new mothers are extremely susceptible to depression and anxiety.
Although African Americans constitute a relatively small portion of the U.S. population, they tend to experience mental health diagnosis and treatment in a significantly different way.
Latinos are the largest minority in the United States, constituting roughly 54 million and making up 17% of the U.S. population. The most debilitating health issue within the Latino community is depression.
American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) make up approximately 1.5% of the U.S population, making them the smallest minority group in the country. Out of this percentage, 33% lack health insurance and about 57% of AI/AN rely only on the Indian Health Services (IHS) for care.
While 99.99% of people suffering from mental health conditions never become violent, I hope someday people become less afraid to take an action when they see extremely bizarre behavior or hear someone speaking violently. In these situations I always suggest engaging professionals right away. Don't play the role of the police or mental health professional.
The answer can be BOTH. Managers have often asked me how to deal with an employee who is disruptive (that does not necessarily mean all disrupters have a bipolar condition). Anxiety disorder has become one of the most common mental health conditions.
Humans are social creatures. Many of us prefer to laugh, sing, and dance in the presence of others (although a solo jam session is never a bad idea). Here at NoStigmas, we value the importance of community and mental health to improve our understanding of ourselves and others in efforts to make actions more meaningful and effective.
We believe everyone can and should take responsibility for their own mental health. Your wellness journey is your own, and it has unique steps that only you can recognize and choose to take. Self-care is an essential part of your own health and your ability to advocate for yourself and others.
We believe everyone can and should take responsibility for their own mental health. Your wellness journey is your own, and it has unique steps that only you can recognize and choose to take. Self-care is an essential part of your own health and your ability to advocate for yourself and others.
Alicia talks about how personal experiences and studying psychology has changed her mind about people living with mental illness. Do you have any preconceived notions about people who live with mental health issues? Have you been personally affected by those stigmas? What can we do to adjust that thinking?
Tiffany talks about the concept of home and the impact is has on her identity. What does "home" mean to you? How does this idea impact your mental health? ----- No one should face mental illness or suicidal loss alone.
Paul gets real about people's quirks and how we all just wanna feel normal. Sometimes if may feel like you're strange and all alone with your mental health, but that's what brings us together in this world. Let's celebrate our differences and have compassion for people who are struggling.
Kip has a message for people who are struggling. Even those not diagnosed or consciously aware of mental health issues will experience troubling times with their personal health. It's helpful to understand that many others have gone through similar challenges. What would you say to someone who is going through a tough time?
Question: What's something someone has done to help you through a tough time? Skye: There would be times when my best friend knew I was going through an episode and she would just let me go through it. And that was sometimes the best thing for me.
Jasmine: I'm a really faith driven person so I spend a lot of time in the bible, prayer, meditation, I do my yoga. I do things that help center me. Whether that's through the vertical or the horizontal, whatever I need. If I need some uplifting energy throughout the day, meditation.
Tiffany tells us what she wishes people knew about mental health. There can be many important lessons learned by individuals who have “been there” that can have healthy impacts on your life. They may even save time and resources. It’s important to recognize that understanding the hardships of people around you may be exactly what you need to be a healthier individual.
Ella describes her experiences growing up as the daughter of a therapist. Question: How did you grow up thinking about mental illness? Answer: I grew up thinking that everyone knew about mental illness. Ella describes the her experiences with meeting new friends as a young adult who had a perspective on mental health that ended up surprising her.
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Our minds can bring to life what backpacks supply to extended hikes, but only if we supply them properly and repair them when they begin to shred.