Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders

Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders

The birth of a child is one of life’s most profound changes. And while it’s often met with joy and celebration, it’s also a time when new mothers are extremely susceptible to depression and anxiety.

African American Mental Health

African American Mental Health

Although African Americans constitute a relatively small portion of the U.S. population, they tend to experience mental health diagnosis and treatment in a significantly different way.

Latino Mental Health

Latino Mental Health

Latinos are the largest minority in the United States, constituting roughly 54 million and making up 17% of the U.S. population. The most debilitating health issue within the Latino community is depression.

American Indian & Alaskan Native Mental Health

American Indian & Alaskan Native Mental Health

American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) make up approximately 1.5% of the U.S population, making them the smallest minority group in the country. Out of this percentage, 33% lack health insurance and about 57% of AI/AN rely only on the Indian Health Services (IHS) for care.

Mental Health & Violence

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Mental Health & Violence

While 99.99% of people suffering from mental health conditions never become violent, I hope someday people become less afraid to take an action when they see extremely bizarre behavior or hear someone speaking violently. In these situations I always suggest engaging professionals right away. Don't play the role of the police or mental health professional. 

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Bipolar Employee - Disruptive or Productive?

Bipolar Employee - Disruptive or Productive?

The answer can be BOTH. Managers have often asked me how to deal with an employee who is disruptive (that does not necessarily mean all disrupters have a bipolar condition). Anxiety disorder has become one of the most common mental health conditions. 

Community Engagement and Positive Mental Health

Community Engagement and Positive Mental Health

Humans are social creatures. Many of us prefer to laugh, sing, and dance in the presence of others (although a solo jam session is never a bad idea). Here at NoStigmas, we value the importance of community and mental health to improve our understanding of ourselves and others in efforts to make actions more meaningful and effective.