Hello there, my name is Abby and I am a writer, coach and motivational speaker. I currently coach female entrepreneurs that struggle with their mental health to add journaling to their life and business. I am on a mission to share my story and make women aware of just how powerful an impact journaling can have on your mental health.  

A few years ago I would have described myself as broken beyond repair. I was anxious, depressed, had severe mood swings and next to no love for life – that is what bipolar can do to you if you let it. Unfortunately I can’t take meds because I have kidney disease and this fact can make life a dangerous roller coaster ride for me. I have struggled with crippling emotional shifts, anxiety, manic depression,  suicidal episodes, irrational thoughts and massive highs for many years. People used to say it was due to losing my Mum when I was three as the catalyst, and others will say it was hereditary. What causes my emotions to be on constant surround sound doesn’t really matter, what’s important is to share how I manage to stay alive and cope pretty well with my chaotic emotional state.

My love for writing started at a very young age. I would write poems and stories. It progressed very quickly into writing my feelings down when I was in primary school and the rest is history. I found the power of plucking out my irrational thoughts and placing them down on paper to be magical. Instead of bottling up these intense and breaking emotions I learnt to air them. I used journaling to understand my feelings, to discover what made me tick and to build upon my purpose.

Journaling hasn’t cured me but it has allowed me to grow into someone that can cope so much better with life’s curve balls. I have learnt to channel my negatives into positives and for this I couldn’t be more grateful. I walk through life attracting other women that suffer with their mental health and teach them how to journal. I have such a strong belief of myself and my ability to help others that struggle and fight a daily internal battle.  

The power of writing, sharing, talking and making connections is how we can begin to embrace the fact that some of us our unique. We aren’t able to just get on with it, stop being a drama queen or press some magic button to stop feeling the way we do. The world should know that buying a journal, finding a space and writing from the heart is an awesome way to tackle deep rooted issues, limiting beliefs, past traumas and blocks.

I now write courses, blogs, articles and I have one to one clients who I help to take back control of their lives through the art of journaling. I inspire them to look inside for the answers that we spend our whole lives searching outwardly for. Asking the right questions will open doors that you’ve only ever dreamed of. I am also about to finish my book which is full of journaling prompts that will help anyone who struggles with their mental health and wants to build their own business.

I want everyone to know they aren’t alone and they can do anything they put their heart into EVEN when they struggle with their mental health.


To keep up with journaling ideas, tips and tricks follow Abby here...
