Psychosocial Rehabilitation is the new buzz word in mental health circles among professionals. In Victoria, Canada, a brand new building has just opened known as 'Connections Place' based on the concept of psychosocial rehabilitation.

In simple terms, psychosocial rehabilitation is just a place for people to meet others with similar interests and have fun. But there is more to the concept than that. In Victoria, this new building is there for anyone who feels 'different', 'doesn't fit', excluded, isolated, rejected, alone, can't find a way to happiness, a way to be among others who understand them, a way to support and where there is no stigma.

Connections Place is allied to Pathways Club International, the 332 Clubs around the western world and now one more. You do not need to have a prescription to go to Connections Place or a diagnosis, but you may have one and that's okay. You will be called a Member. There are maybe two paid staff at Connections Place. Members make the decisions, do all the work, cooking, cleaning, maintenance, administrative work. Members meet once a month to discuss programs for the future; what to plan; where to go.

Connections Place is member driven. It is a pathway to recovery, always aware that all of us are in recovery. However, it is not a public sofa but a place where, if you want to, you will find support to help you move to the workplace or to further education. Connections Place is a place of hope - a way forward to a meaningful, worthwhile life full of love and kindness. How's that for magic?

Read more from Judith on her blog.
