How to be an Advocate for the Cause

Help Create a World with NoStigmas!

It’s possible to be an advocate not only for yourself and your community, but also for the cause of mental health equality. Throughout the world, mental wellness is treated as separate and less important than physical wellness. Despite the fact that one in four people in the world are affected by mental illness, mental health problems are often treated as less valid and acceptable than other health issues. These attitudes contribute to the stigmatization of mental illness and mental health care.  

Mental health equality means changing these attitudes, a movement that starts with individuals like you. Being a part of the NoStigmas Network connects you with resources to help eliminate stigmas and be an advocate for mental wellness in the world beyond your community. As a NoStigmas Advocate, your role is to be a shining example of what it means to live with NoStigmas. With the right tools, you can use your voice and lead the way to make change possible!


Wouldn’t it be great to talk with people about what mental health is really like? Maybe it’s enough to simply be around others that get it. Whether you’re actually talking about it or not, just knowing that we’re in this together makes us feel a little less alone. Here are some ideas on how to get involved!

  • Share a photo, artwork or a piece of music to express your mental health journey

  • Be a NoStigmas Team Member, we’ve got lots of volunteer and internship opportunities!

  • Start a NoStigmas Club or hand out some flyers on campus (free pizza usually helps too!)

  • Organize a community event or activity to connect with like minded people

No matter how you decide to take action, remember to always respect one another. Everyone deserves fairness, equality and understanding. Here are some guidelines for interacting with anyone when you're a NoStigmas Advocate:

How to Use the NoStigmas Voice

Our voice is a strong, clear and clean voice of an mentor. Real and conversational. Someone who really gets it!

It's unconditionally compassionate and inspires positive action. It's approachable and knowledgeable, with a sense of forward movement. Our voice mirrors our core values of personal responsibility, community and advocacy.

When connecting with people about mental health and suicide, it’s crucial to use language that is neutral to positive.  Know your facts and speak them with gentle authority.  But it’s also important to be real.  Encourage people to take ownership of their mental health and participate in the conversation. What would inspire you to take action?

Congratulations on completing this training.

You are now a NoStigmas Advocate!